Top 10 Best Practices For Internal Linking In SEO

best SEO Company in Noida


Internal linking is a simple but highly effective strategy for SEO. Internal links are the links that navigate to other web pages or resources within the same domain. This guides the search engine through the website, increasing the page authority and overall increasing the user experience.

What makes internal links crucial?

Improved Page Authority: The search engine distributes link value to websites. The homepage would have the most link value due to the number of links. A search engine considers links important in determining the authenticity and relevance of your website.

Improved website rank: Search engines follow links to crawl and navigate through websites. It helps Google crawlers to index your website and find the latest content. Additionally, it considers the website with more internal links valuable and important. Thus, it will improve the page rank and visibility on search engines.

Enhanced user experience: Internal links make it easier to browse through websites and find relevant content. Moreover, they can explore related sections according to their preferences without unnecessary searching efforts.

Top 10 best practices for internal linking in SEO

SEO companies use different internal linking practices for effective page crawling by search engines and better user experience. Toffee Global, the best SEO Company in Noida, has the expertise to improve a domain’s overall internal linking structure.

  1. Website Structure: To maintain the significance of the main web page, it should contain the most internal links. The site structure should include broad keywords, not too-complex content and important high-quality links that can guide users and Search engines through the site.
  2. Contextual Links: These are the kind of hyperlinks that navigate the users to related content within the website or domain. Adding relevant links within the body of the topic or page can improve the availability of related content, providing the user with a better understanding of the topic. This helps in SEO as search engines use contextual links to understand the relevance of linked pages better, thus improving the page rank and accessibility.
  3. Anchor Texts: These are the clickable texts that work as hyperlinks. Incorporating relevant anchor texts in your content helps Google understand how pages are linked to the website context. The anchor texts should be descriptive, short and effective. It can be a word or a phrase but should flow naturally in a sentence.
  4. Add Links to most recent posts: One of the most efficient internal linking practices can be linking the most recent post or blog to the previously uploaded content on the website. Connecting new pages with relevant and digitally valuable content allows the search engine to crawl, discover and index the new content.
  5. Determining Important Content: Important content on a website includes the content and pages that describe the core of the business or product. It has well-written, complete content you want the users to go through while browsing relevant topics. Adding various links to this content will allow Google and other search engines to crawl and realize the significance of the content. Recognised as the best SEO Company in Noida, At Toffee Global our expert team creates detailed and targeted content to meet client requirements.
  6. Keyword Integration: Incorporating important keywords in the anchor texts can help the search engine understand the relevance of the linked page and contribute to SEO. Using natural keywords as anchor texts between sentences can guide Google and users towards related supplementary content.
  7. Update Links: The links used on various web pages should be reviewed and updated with time to maintain the relevance of the content. To make a website user-friendly, the content and links need to evolve at the same pace as search engines as well as the competitors.
  8. Linking Hierarchical and Related Pages: Your homepage should be the most authoritative, and other pages should be linked strategically and hierarchically. If there are many posts on related topics, they should be connected hierarchically for a better understanding of the user.
  9. Avoid Overlinking: The website should be smooth and user-friendly. Sometimes, with the use of overlinks, the website’s speed is compromised. Also, too many links can saturate the overall content quality, so links should be avoided for an effective user experience.
  10. Link Equity Distribution: It means the value and authority different web pages hold based on the quantity and quality of the internal links used. Strategically planning the placement of good-quality links from authority pages to deeper, important content pages helps to improve the overall SEO performance of the website.


Implementing these internal linking practices is crucial in the constantly evolving digital world. Toffee Global is leading the evolving SEO and digital marketing trajectory, progressively becoming the leading SEO Company in Noida. The healthy work environment, highly trained team of experts and the positive mind-set towards new technology and innovations at Toffee Global make it the best SEO Company in India.

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